Yilin Mo and Richard M. Murray
Chinese Control Conference, 2015
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We consider the estimation of a vector state based on \(m\) measurements that can be potentially manipulated by an adversary. The attacker is assumed to have limited resources and can only manipulate up to \(l\) of the \(m\) measurements. However, it can the compromise measurements arbitrarily. The problem is formulated as a minimax optimization, where one seeks to construct an optimal estimator that minimizes the "worst-case" error against all possible manipulations by the attacker and all possible sensor noises. We show that if the system is not observable after removing \(2l\) sensors, then the worst-case error is infinite, regardless of the estimation strategy. If the system remains observable after removing arbitrary set of \(2l\) sensor, we prove that the optimal state estimation can be computed by solving a semidefinite programming problem. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed state estimator.
The code is written in Python 3.4 with the following dependencies:
import numpy as np from numpy.random import rand from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt, matrix, eye, zeros from numpy.linalg import inv, svd import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns #for the sake of appearance from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse from itertools import combinations import cvxpy as cvx # returns the boundary of an ellipse: (x-c)'Q(x-c) == 1 def convert2Ellipse(c, Q): if c.shape == (2,1) and Q.shape == (2,2): Q = (Q + Q.T)/2 U, s, V = svd(Q) theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 360) x = U[0,0] * cos(theta) / sqrt(s[0]) + U[0,1] * sin(theta) / sqrt(s[1]) + c[0,0] y = U[1,0] * cos(theta) / sqrt(s[0]) + U[1,1] * sin(theta) / sqrt(s[1]) + c[1,0] return x, y else: return None #static parameters n = 2 m = 4 l = 1 delta = 1. H = matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, -1]],'f') G = matrix(eye(m)) #generate x, w, a, y randomly x = matrix(rand(n, 1)) w = matrix(rand(m, 1)) while np.linalg.norm(w) >= 1: w = rand(m, 1) a = matrix([0, 0, 0, 1.5]).T y = H * x + G * w + a # Or in this simulation we will use the worst-case y y = matrix('-0.851;2.753;0.5257;0') OmegaList = [] for indexset in combinations(range(m), m - l): HI = H[indexset, :] GI = G[indexset, :] yI = y[indexset, :] XiI = GI * GI.T invXiI = inv(XiI) PI = inv(HI.T * invXiI * HI) KI = PI * HI.T * invXiI tmp = eye(m-l) - HI * KI UI = tmp.T * invXiI * tmp hatxI = KI * yI epsilonI = yI.T * UI * yI if delta**2 >= epsilonI: #if the ellipsoid exists # Generate the Omega of Theorem 4 Omega = np.bmat([[inv(PI), -1 * inv(PI) * hatxI, zeros((n,n))], [-1 * hatxI.T * inv(PI), hatxI.T * inv(PI) * hatxI + epsilonI-delta**2, zeros((1,n))], [zeros((n, 2 * n + 1))]]) OmegaList.append(Omega) #Draw the corresponding ellipse Q = inv(PI)/(delta ** 2 - epsilonI) ex, ey = convert2Ellipse(hatxI, Q) plt.fill(ex, ey) plt.plot(ex, ey) # convex optimization problem described in (20) tau = cvx.Variable(len(OmegaList)) varphi = cvx.Variable() hatx = cvx.Variable(n) # X corresponds to the the matrix # | I -hatx 0 | # |-hatx' -varphi hatx'| # | 0 hatx -I | X = cvx.Symmetric(2*n+1) constraints = [varphi >= 0, tau >= 0, X[:n,:n] == eye(n), X[:n,n+1:] == zeros((n, n)), X[:n, n] == -hatx, X[n,n] == -varphi, X[n+1:, n] == hatx, X[n+1:, n+1:] == -1 * eye(n),] obj = cvx.Minimize(varphi) for i in range(len(OmegaList)): constraints.append(tau[i] * OmegaList[i] - X >> 0) prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints) prob.solve() #plot the corresponding ellipse and its center ex, ey = convert2Ellipse(hatx.value, eye(n)/varphi.value) plt.plot(ex, ey, 'r--') plt.plot(hatx.value[0], hatx.value[1], 'ro') # Compute the state estimation given by (21) hatx = inv(H.T * inv(G*G.T) * H) * H.T * inv(G*G.T) * y # Find the maximum error, i.e., the minimum radius circle tau = cvx.Variable(len(OmegaList)) varphi = cvx.Variable() X = cvx.Symmetric(2*n+1) constraints = [varphi >= 0, tau >= 0, X[:n,:n] == eye(n), X[:n,n+1:] == zeros((n, n)), X[:n, n] == -hatx, X[n,n] == -varphi, X[n+1:, n] == hatx, X[n+1:, n+1:] == -1 * eye(n),] obj = cvx.Minimize(varphi) for i in range(len(OmegaList)): constraints.append(tau[i] * OmegaList[i] - X >> 0) prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints) prob.solve() #plot the corresponding ellipse and its center ex, ey = convert2Ellipse(hatx, eye(n)/varphi.value) plt.plot(ex, ey, 'k--') plt.plot(hatx[0], hatx[1], 'ks') plt.axis('equal') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('../../../public/ccc-15.png') return '../../../public/ccc-15.png' # return the filename to org-mode
The manuscript on this web page has been corrected. The submitted manuscript contains the errors.