Table of Contents

1 Bode Plots

  • Bode plots play an important role in frequency domain analysis and design.
  • Bode plots of a transfer function \(G(s)\) include two graphs:
    • Magnitude plot: \(20\log_{10}|G(j\omega)|\) (dB) in linear scale v.s. \(\omega\) in log scale.
    • Phase plot: \(\angle G(j\omega)\) (degree) in linear scale v.s. \(\omega\) in log-scale.

2 Example

Consider the transfer function \(G(s) = \frac{s+1}{s^2+2s+3}\).

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3 Why Bode Plots?

  • Why choose \(20\log_{10}|G(j\omega)|\)?
    • We typical write a transfer function as \[G(s) = K\frac{(s+z_1)\dots(s+z_i)}{(s+p_1)\dots(s+p_n)}\]
    • The frequency response is \(G(j\omega) = G_1(j\omega)\dots G_n(j\omega)\). Hence,
\begin{align} 20\log|G(j\omega)|&=20\log|G_1(j\omega)|+\dots+20\log|G_n(j\omega)|\\ \angle G(j\omega)&=\angle G_1(j\omega)+\dots+\angle G_n(j\omega) \end{align}
  • Why choose the frequency \(\omega\) in log-scale?
    • The magnitude plot can be easily approximated by straight lines
    • We can display a wider range of system behavior

4 What if \(\omega\) is not in log-scale

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As a result, Bode plots are plotted on semilog papers with the horizontal axis in log scale and the vertical axis in linear scale.

5 Sketching Bode Plots

  • A complex polynomial can always be factorized in to basic terms
    • \(K\)
    • \(s\)
    • \(\tau s + 1\)
    • \[\left(\frac{s}{\omega_n}\right)^2 + 2\zeta \left(\frac{s}{\omega_n}\right) + 1,\] where \(-1<\zeta < 1\). (Why?)
  • To create the Bode plot of a complex rational transfer function, we only need to understand the Bode plots of simple polynomials

6 Example

  • Consider the following transfer function
\begin{align} G(s) = \frac{10(s+1)}{s(s^2+0.4s+4)} &= \frac{2.5\times (s+1)}{s \times \left[(0.5s)^2 + 2\times 0.1(0.5s)+1\right]}\\ &= \frac{G_1(s)G_2(s)}{G_3(s)G_4(s)}. \end{align}
  • Therefore, we know that
\begin{align} \log|G(j\omega)| &=\log|G_1(j\omega)| + \log|G_2(j\omega)| -\log|G_3(j\omega)| -\log|G_4(j\omega)| \\ \angle G(j\omega) &=\angle G_1(j\omega) + \angle G_2(j\omega) -\angle G_3(j\omega) -\angle G_4(j\omega) \end{align}

7 Bode Plot of \(K\)

  • The magnitude is \(20\log|K|\).
  • If \(K > 0\), then the phase is \(0^\circ\).
  • If \(K < 0\), then the phase is \(-180^\circ\).

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8 Bode Plot of an Integrator \(1/s\)

  • The magnitude in dB is \[20\log|1/\omega| = -20 \log \omega\].
  • The magnitude is a straight line passing \((1,\,0dB)\) with slope -20.
  • The phase is \(-90^\circ\).

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9 Bode Plot of an Integrator \(s^N\)

From what we know about \(s^{-1}\), we can prove that:

  • The magnitude in dB is \(20N \log \omega\).
  • The magnitude is a straight line passing \((0dB,\,1)\) with slope 20N.
  • The phase is \(90N^\circ\).

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10 Bode Plot of \(1/(\tau s+ 1)\)

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  • Here we will assume \(\tau > 0\). (\(\tau < 0\) will be discussed later)
  • Observations:
    • The magnitude plot bends around \(10 = \tau^{-1}\).
    • The magnitude plot is a straight line when \(\omega \ll \tau^{-1}\) or \(\omega \gg \tau^{-1}\).
    • The phase is roughly \(0^\circ\) when \(\omega < 1 = 0.1/\tau\).
    • The phase is roughly \(-90^\circ\) when \(\omega > 100 = 10/\tau\).
    • The phase passes \(-45^\circ\) when \(\omega = 1/\tau\).

11 Bode Plot of \(1/(\tau s+ 1)\)


  • If \(\omega\tau\ll 1\), i.e., \(\omega\ll 1/\tau{}\), then \[G(j\omega{}) = \frac{1}{j\omega{\tau{}}+1} \approx 1,\,20\log\left|G(j\omega{})\right| \approx 0,\, \angle G(j\omega) \approx 0^\circ.\]
    • The magnitude plot is a horizontal line at 0dB.
    • The phase plot is a horizontal line at \(0^\circ\).
  • If \(\omega\tau\gg 1\), i.e., \(\omega\gg 1/\tau{}\), then \[G(j\omega{}) = \frac{1}{j\omega{\tau{}}+1} \approx -j\omega^{-1}\tau^{-1},\, 20\log\left|\frac{1}{j\omega{\tau{}}+1}\right| \approx -20\log\omega{}-20\log\tau{},\, \angle G(j\omega) \approx -90^\circ.\]
    • The magnitude plot is a line passing \((1/\tau{},0)\) with a slope -20.
    • The phase plot is a horizontal line at \(-90^\circ\).
  • \(1/\tau{}\) is called the corner frequency. It is where the two asymptotes of the magnitude plot intersect.
    • At the corner frequency, \(G(j/\tau{}) = 1/(1+j) = 0.5-0.5j = 0.707\angle -45^\circ\). The magnitude is \(-3dB\).

12 Sketch Bode Plot of \(1/(\tau s+ 1)\) Using Asymptotes

12.1 Magnitude

  • Draw a horizontal line at 0dB until the corner frequency \(1/\tau\).
  • From the point \((1/\tau, 0dB)\), draw a straight line with slope -20.

12.2 Phase

  • Draw a horizontal line at \(0^\circ\) until the frequency \(0.1/\tau\).
  • Draw a horizontal line at \(-90^\circ\) from the frequency \(10/\tau\) to \(\infty\).
  • Connect \((0.1/\tau, 0^\circ)\) and \((-10/\tau,\,90^\circ)\) with a straight line.

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13 Sketch Bode Plot of \(\tau s+ 1\) Using Asymptotes

We can flip the plots of \(1/(\tau s+1)\) to get the plots of \(\tau s+1\)

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14 Bode Plot of \(\frac{1}{(s/\omega_n)^2+2\zeta(s/\omega_n)+1}\)

Recall that

  • \(\omega_n\) is called the natural frequency.
  • \(\zeta\) is the damping ratio.

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15 Bode Plot of \(\frac{1}{(s/\omega_n)^2+2\zeta(s/\omega_n)+1}\)

  • If \(\omega \ll \omega_n\), then \(G(j\omega) \approx 1\)
    • The magnitude is 0dB.
    • The phase plot is \(0^\circ\).
  • If \(\omega \gg \omega_n\), then \[G(j\omega) \approx 1/(j\omega/\omega_n)^2 = -\omega_n^2/\omega^2.\]
    • The magnitude is \(40\log \omega_n-40 \log\omega\). A straight line with slope -40 and passing \((\omega_n,0dB)\)
    • The phase is \(-180^\circ\).
  • When \(\omega = \omega_n\) (corner frequency), \[G(j\omega) = \frac{1}{j^2+2\zeta j+1} = \frac{-1}{2\zeta}j.\]
    • The magnitude is \(-20\log(2\zeta)\).
    • the phase is \(90^\circ\).

16 Sketching \(\frac{1}{(s/\omega_n)^2+2\zeta(s/\omega_n)+1}\) using Asymptotes

16.1 Magnitude

  • Draw a horizontal line at 0dB until the corner frequency \(\omega_n\).
  • From the point \((\omega_n, 0dB)\), draw a straight line with slope -40.
  • If you want to be more accurate, change the magnitude at the corner frequency to \(-20\log(2\zeta)\) and draw a smooth curve.

16.2 Phase

  • The phase plot cannot be drawn very accurately using asymptotes.

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